Just some odds & ends of World Tour Finals articles mostly about "The Art of Tennis"
Tennis gets arty ahead of ATP World Tour Finals
For any one in or going to London the gallery information: Art of tennis, La Galleria Pall Mall, St James's, November 8-18 2010, 10am – 6pm, free entry
Terracotta tennis artist to pass on her sculpture skills
After the tournament most of the players asked to keep the versions of themselves, while two versions were made of Djokovic, Nadal and Federer. One each of the three players was donated to the National Tennis Centre at Roehampton.
Laury said: “Federer wanted his and Nadal wanted his too - he gave his to his home town tennis club in Barcelona. Davydenko got to keep his too.
“I think nearly all of them did end up being kept by the individual players.
“They all loved them.”