
Rafa Nadal November Exhibitions Info & Tickets



Rafa Nadal will play 4 exhibitions in November.

Rafa Nadal will be involved in The Necker Cup for his charity The Rafael Nadal Foundation,
Necker's Cup Pro-Am Nov 12-16 on Necker Island, BVI http://www.neckercup.com/

Sunday November 17th, Rafa Nadal will play against David Ferrer in Jockey Club Del Peru.

Purchase Tickets at Teleticket

Saturday, November 23, Rafa Nadal will play against David Nalbandian at The Rural, Buenos Aires

Purchase Tickets here: Topshow

November 24 Rafa Nadal will play Novak Djokovic at The Rural, Buenos AIres, Argentina

Purchase Tickets here: Topshow

For the Argentina Exhibitions you can purchase tickets for both events & secure your same seating here: Topshow tickets

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