
Srdjan Djokovic Questions Rafael Nadal Sportsmanship


Srdjan Djokovic (Novak's Father) gave a multi-part interview for a Serbian newspaper.

There are so many inconsistencies on his part.. I wonder at all if he even watches his son play tennis..

Rafa gives an interview today in Mallorca & responds to Novak Djokovic's father:


He is asked this:

♦ What are you most proud of in relation to Novak?
- As a kid, he used to be terribly upset when losing matches, he could not handle loses. I repeatedly told him that he has to congratulate his opponent and say „Congratulations on your great game, I will do my best to beat you next time“. It is better to lose a match with dignity than to win it undeservedly, after much trouble and suffering on the court. A loss makes you think of your game in the long term so you don’t make the same mistakes next time. He realized that, and you can see his manners now after losing a match.

♦ He is one of the rare top tennis players who keeps his temper when losing.
- He is not one of many players, I believe that he is the only tennis player in the top echelon who behaves like that. I don’t know any other athlete who treats his opponent the same, regardless of wining or losing the match, like Novak does.

Here are some wonderful videos of Novak being polite after losing points during a game.

Or how about his swearing.."Novak Djokovic swearing Now you will lick my dick" GROSS!

♦ Even Federer and Nadal
- Rafa was Novak’s best friend while he was regularly beating him. After Novak started winning their matches, they were not friends anymore. That’s not sportsmanship. That’s one thing where Novak hugely differes from both of them.
Federer is probably the best player in history of tennis, but as a person he is totally different. He bashed novak during Davis cup in Geneve, after realizing that Novak became the threat to his dominance. He tried to discredit him. Novak’s success is incredible, and some people simply cannot accept it.

Shit the Parents of Djokovic's say:

The King Is Dead

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