More than an illusion, a life

Work professionally in a sport like tennis is much more than training, tournaments and major efforts to improve and overcome every day. It also means to travel around the world, having the opportunity to meet in person other societies, customs and problems. That was how, during a trip to India, Rafael came face to face with a harsh reality: marginality, personal insecurity, sexism, social detachment, lack of opportunities for the future ... And all this in the more fragile and vulnerable: children.
That's how Rafael Nadal and Ana María Parera, his mother decided to take together a big project of life: the creation of the Fundación Rafa Nadal. Aware of the need to give back to society part of what they have received, in 2009 decided to create an organization to provide opportunities for those most in need.
After four years of incessant work, hundreds of children and young people can finally look to the future with greater optimism. We hope that during the next few years are still many more kids who can help with education projects through sport to develop.
Mission: Integration with education through sport

This 2013, the Foundation Rafa Nadal is already an established organization, with active projects in Spain and India. Currently, there are more than 500 children and young people who benefit from education programs through sport taken since the Foundation.
With the sport as the main tool, our objective is to provide opportunities for disadvantaged children and socially vulnerable, at risk of social exclusion or hard to complete their development. With these projects, we have found that, in sport, manage to convey values such as respect, trust, or partnership effort which supplement and enhance education and the integration of young people.
Precisely, 'sport', 'education' and 'integration' are three keywords which revolve around we are inaugurating today is blog forward. The projects we develop together with NGO recognized Vicente Ferrer Foundation, Special Olympics Spain and SOS Children's Villages also be included in our weekly posts. Finally, developments and news about the Foundation in the broadest sense, as well as the social, educational and sporting aligned with the values we represent also integrate our regular news.
We hope you share our interests and reading each blog. We would love also you to participate in it with your opinion. Welcome and thank you for your interest!
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