
Rafalinkage: August 14


Rafa Nadal on the cover of Tennis- US OPEN Special.

 Practice Photos:
James Henry

You can view some practice photos over at
Photos were taken by James Henry, Super Rafa fan you can follow him on twitter !

Cincy facebook 11 a.m. Practice at the Western & Southern Open some shots of Rafa practicing

Rafa will also be playing doubles with his loyal partner MARC LOPEZ which also you can follow on twitter
The Draw:

Practice Video

this is scary!


In case some of you dont know Rafa is on Twitter & Facebook .. here are some of Rafa'sTwitter/Facebook updates:

Spanish Armada watching the football match
another via Cincy's facebook

FortyDeuceTwits has some photos up of Rafa too..

Rafaaaaaaaaa, amused and engrossed w/ Grisha/Nalby.

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