Benito tweeted:
Just to be clear: Rafa doesn't have a fracture and he won't be off 6 weeks. holidays & July 16th will play a golf tournament in Mallorca.
Then resume practice on July 17th.Then Neil Harman tweeted this:
Rafael Nadal has made it clear he does not have a hairline fracture of his ankle, so I was wrong to say this morning that he had. Apologies
@christophclarey yes, that's right. Holidays now with friends and his first tennis event will be Montreal.
From Jon Wertheim's Mailbag about Rafa's new autobiography:
• Sticking with's not exactly "Open" the Andre Agassi book. But suffice to say, there are moments of candor in his forthcoming autobiography "My Story." I have signed a blood oath not to reveal too much, but look for an excerpt soon on
Via: @ToddKrim
Holy crap! I'm partying with Rafael Nadal at Pacha!!
Via @Jonthe26
C'est au moment où on a vu #Nadal next to us à la Swedish House Mafia au Pacha qu'on a su que 7 soirée serait awesome.. #pacha #war #Ibiza
It was when we saw Nadal next to us at the Swedish House Mafia at Pacha last night we knew we it would be awesome
Via @kamikazepink
Despertarte y que una amiga que estaba en el Pacha Ibiza te haya escrito: Rafa Nadal le ha tocado y que está en la zona vip con Javi Mtnz...
Waking up to find that a friend who was at Pacha Ibiza has written you: Rafa Nadal has been partying, and he's in the VIP area with Javi Mtnz ...
Working on some photos...