"Ya estoy en casa, en Mallorca, despues del viaje a India. Muy emotivo. Pongo aqui fotos del viaje.I am back home, after the trip to India. Very emotional. I am posting here pictures."
Rafa updated his Facebook to say that he is home and posted some new pictures from his trip to India
Rafel Nadal torna a casa després de gairebé un mes de gira per Àsia. El manacorí arribà anit devers les 11 del vespre a l’aeroport de Son Sant Joan, acompanyat pel seu inseparable amic Marc López, disposat sobretot, adescansar. El número 1 del món necessita carregar les piles per fer front al darrer tram de temporada.
Tot i així Nadal està satisfet per l’actuació firmada a Bangkok, Tòquio i Shangai, on va caure abans d’hora. Ara el manacorí encara un nou i difícil repte, lluitar per la Copa Màsters de Londres.
Google Translation:
Rafael Nadal returns home after nearly a month touring Asia. The Spaniard came in around 11 pm last night at the airport of Son Sant Joan, accompanied by his inseparable friend Marc Lopez, prepared especially to rest. The world's number 1 load the batteries need to tackle the last stretch of the season.
However Christmas is satisfied with the action, signed in Bangkok, Tokyo and Shanghai, where he fell early. Now the Spaniard is still a new and difficult challenge, fight for the Masters Cup in London.
Tot i així Nadal està satisfet per l’actuació firmada a Bangkok, Tòquio i Shangai, on va caure abans d’hora. Ara el manacorí encara un nou i difícil repte, lluitar per la Copa Màsters de Londres.
Google Translation:
Rafael Nadal returns home after nearly a month touring Asia. The Spaniard came in around 11 pm last night at the airport of Son Sant Joan, accompanied by his inseparable friend Marc Lopez, prepared especially to rest. The world's number 1 load the batteries need to tackle the last stretch of the season.
However Christmas is satisfied with the action, signed in Bangkok, Tokyo and Shanghai, where he fell early. Now the Spaniard is still a new and difficult challenge, fight for the Masters Cup in London.