
Rafa comes clean


Rafa debuks left hander myth

According to Rafa's 3rd round Presser last night he totally debunks the whole Uncle Toni made me switch to a left hander::

Q: When you were younger and you switched from hitting with your right hand to your left hand, how did your uncle Toni come up with the idea to try that? And how difficult was it for you at that age to switch from hitting right handed to left handed?
Rafael Nadal: That never happened. It wasn’t an idea of Uncle Toni and for sure it was impossible to change the right for the left. I started playing tennis with two backhands – playing two hands forehand and two hands backhand. And one day had to start playing but we didn’t decide I have to play with the left or the right.
The natural thing for me was to play with the left. I play futbol with the left all my life. . .The feeling to give something or take something, I do everything with the right, no? But the feeling for the sport I always have the feeling for the left.
So it was a total natural thing for him ..Kinda think that Rafa is ambidextrous .. I know what that is like cause Im the same way!

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