blog wimbledon2010

WBlog: No pasta for me


No pasta for me after yesterday's long match

Hi everyone,

Sorry but last night I could not post anything since I got back to my house and we decided to go out for dinner to the city. I had not done it all week so my team was kind of tired of eating always my pasta... So we went almost straight from the end of the work with media etc to my favorite restaurant in London. You have heard many times about it, El Cambio de Tercio. I was so happy for yesterday's win that I just said, OK, let's go wherever you guys want!

So we had a great dinner last night. Now I just woke up and I am going to go and hit a bit. Not much, since yesterday's match was long and I also had the problem on my knee. I want to go and see how it feels today. I am not too worried, but it is there and I need to get the treatment once I finish this tournament. I would love to win it and then go for that treatment. We'll see.

Many thanks



Questions for Rafa: is Uncle Toni always strict?

Dear Rafa, congrats to your tough win against Haase. But I wasn't too nervous during the match, as I knew you were going to win! I saw the video on your site taken when your little cousins were visiting you. They're cute! But I wonder if Uncle Toni is as strict to your cousins as he was with you? You seemed to be the disciplinarian there  I look forward to seeing a whole week of Rafa tennis at Wimbledon next week! Hugs, Natalie

RN: Many thanks. My uncle was kind of tough with me but on the sports education. He is tough, or shall I say strict with his sons but a bit less with his daughter...

Rafa, Do you athletes at Wimbledon act or talk more patriotically than usual because the World Cup is going on? Chris
RN: Some do, but not that much. It is normal. The World Cup is something great and you really support your country so it is kind of... I don't know.

Hola Rafa! Have you thought about joining Twitter as another method of connecting with your fans? Kim, London
RN: No, for the moment I have a lot to do with my Facebook page. Not really interested in Twitter for the moment.

Hi Rafa, Unlike the big server from my country you met in the 2nd round, my serve is the worst part of my play. I know you have been working on your serve a lot, and it has paid off! Can you give me any tips on how to work to improve my own serve? Myra, The Netherlands
RN: Hhahahahahahaha. I haven't seen you so you need to check wit your coach!

Hi Rafa, Thanks for taking the time to do this blog; you are a great champion and role model. Your fans really appreciate it and love to hear about the "real life" during competitions. I am a Mum with two lovely sons. Mums keep all sorts of memorable stuff - school certificates, pictures etc. I am running out of space and they haven't reached 18 yet! You are an outstanding and popular tennis player that the media loves to follow so there are so many pictures and articles about you. Your Mum must want to keep some of those memories. How does she decide what to keep? Does she have help with this task? Where does she keep it all? Hoping to see you bite that trophy at Wimbledon. Debra John, Kent
RN: She keeps a lot of stuff but not everything. I do keep everything that I play with, I mean at least one model. Shoes, shirts, racquets... One day I will have them all exposed.

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